Can you tell our readers who you are and what you do?

Hello, I’m Bonnie! I am a performer, model,  creative mentor and sparkly enchanting life chaser.

How important is an active lifestyle to you and what does it look like?

I try to move my body daily in some way, whether it’s a good old-fashioned beach walk or, best case scenario, reformer pilates. But there are busier days in my multi-hat-wearing life when I need to make small, active choices, like a quick session with home weights or a 2-minute stretch on the mat. I always feel better for it, and I really notice my energy levels shift when I don’t make time for my body and mind.


Who or what do you consider to support this?

It took me a long time to learn to consider where my body is at in my cycle. I am now very mindful not to push my body and relieve guilt in times where rest is equally key, making the most of the more active spurts.

Bonnie enjoying some Pasta and Pizza in Rome

 I am very mindful about speaking kindly towards my body and expressing gratitude for what it does for me. This golden nugget of advice came to me from a really lovely Reiki Master named Alma during my first Reiki session in Sydney years ago. I was struggling with extreme anxiety after an operation. I was so nervous about the session and overthinking how to relax; my mind was fluttering like a butterfly. I told myself, 'Just relax, Bonnie, let this woman work her magic; stop trying to control a Reiki session.' After about 40 minutes of Alma reminding me to stop thinking, she hovered her hands over my stomach, and for the first time in the session, I was still. I had always spoken so terribly to my stomach as I had years of pain and trauma associated with it. She said with such knowing, 'What’s happening with your stomach?' That was a game changer. 'How did she know?' She continued to say, 'You need to be kinder to it and be grateful for its service to you.' From there, I have made a conscious effort to nourish a kind relationship with my body and express gratitude for what it does for me daily without thanks. I am also a converted Reiki fan!


What is your earliest vacation memory and why?

I grew up in a big, humble family of five kids with two road trip-loving parents. Plane holidays weren’t on the cards for us; instead, we embarked on adventures in the L370 van. We would travel from the mid-north coast to visit family in Sydney or head north to QLD. One of my earliest memories of holiday life was a family trip to Coffs Harbour. It included my brother accidentally wedging Tic Tacs up his nose, likely from a dare, an essential visit to the one and only 'Big Banana,' and staying at an awesome resort that had a gigantic pool with the slide of dreams, a games room, and we even got Macca’s pancakes. Iconic

Bonnie with her mum and her brothers at the beach QLD

What is your dream holiday destination. Any recommendations you would like to share?

I was lucky enough to spend the first half of my working career in travel, so I was living life in the travel discount lane, which allowed me to explore so many places.

Choosing my favorite dream holiday is really tough. Italy (Rome) has my heart and soul, but the winner is anywhere in Croatia. It consists of sparkly crystal water, seafood by the sea, historic castles, and lovely people with an Italian feel when it comes to the streets and music. I absolutely love anything to do with the slow life that just allows you to soak it all up. I recommend doing a Croatia sail to explore the most beautiful authentic little towns, where you can get lost in the unbelievable postcard backdrops.

Bonnie during a Sailing Trip in Croatia

What are your favourite places to bask in the sun?

I have my cute lemon umbrella in my car at all times, which has accompanied me to some really beautiful spots. However, my latest favourite is Tallows Beach in Suffolk Park. When I’m not working or performing, my favourite thing to do is get a spinach and cheese pastie, an iced coffee, my notepad for super reflective gal thoughts, and my book. Currently, I'm reading 'Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear' by Elizabeth Gilbert – highly recommended if you need a kick up the backside to remember you are amazing and to keep chasing those dreams.

Bonnies favorite view when basking: her beloved lemon umbrella 🍋

How do you approach sun protection, do you have any recommendations?

I've been an SPF queen since about 14. I don’t leave the house without SPF50 on my face, and if I’m going to the beach, I'll make sure I've got my trusty lemon umbrella and spray-on sunscreen (I use the Sun Bum one because I love the smell and easy spray). A hot tip is getting a CC cream that has SPF in it, or when shopping for your foundation, try to get one that has SPF. It's like liquid gold, a time-stopping elixir if you will

How do you choose styles to be active and out in the sun?

I always try to find a top that is easy to maneuver on and off if I am planning a sunbathing session but also need something supportive for a beach walk, especially as a DD gal!

What is more important to you functionality or style.

An equal blend of the both, I am guilty of style I think…

Bonnie in the Plunge One Piece - Eden Green 
(not compromising on functionality OR style) 

What gives you confidence in your daily life?

I'm doing my best to show up as my authentic self, embracing the good, the bad, and the quirky. I find that this approach helps others let their guard down and do the same.


Who are the people in your life that inspire your confidence?  

I have a lot of supportive friends and family who always encourage me with every new adventure or role in life I take on. When I receive messages from friends saying I have inspired them to try something new, it inspires me and gives me the confidence to keep being myself. Despite what it seems, I'm actually a pretty shy, anxious, and overthinky quirky gal, and it’s taken me many years to be more vulnerable, show up as myself, and be more open about my adversities. It’s been received really well, and I’m so grateful for my lovely support network.



Bonnie with her soul sister Whitney, empowering each other then and now.

Any advice you would give your younger self?

Trust the path you're on; every one is the right one, even if it’s a tough one. The lessons are invaluable. Keep listening to your gut and follow that feeling even when it’s scary. Fear wants you to take the safe route, but keep going. Most importantly, don’t dim your light because you'll encounter plenty of mean, low-vibe people who try to make you do this and say you’re too much. The world needs the light, so keep doing what makes your heart smile. Steer clear of the low vibes and continue shining the good light even when it seems hard to do so. The world needs all the light it can get. P.S. You’re doing awesome; your hard work and side steps are all worth it. It’s a lot of fun on this wild journey you call life. Keep playing.

Young Bonnie

How important is sustainability to you, how do you incorporate it into your life?

I can definitely improve in this area, and it’s on my list to become more well-rounded in my knowledge. It's so important, and I need to take a more active role in this regard rather than being a passive observer.

What is your favourite piece from the Bask line and why?

I love the Fuller Halter top (featured in the cover photo) because it’s so soft so can be a chill at home top or a sunbake/supportive swim top and I love the tie back makes it so easy for slipping it on and off for a little sun bake. 

 Bonnie in the Twist Bandeau Top and matching High Pant in black